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Exploring the Christian Fiction Genre

and highlighting gospel centered books.

Exploring the Christian Fiction genre, highlighting gosple-centered books
and those who write them.



Thank you for visiting Fiction Candle. The mission of any christian is to declare God's salvation work through Christ. A christian fiction author's mission is to do the same by the use of story. 

There is an awful lot called Christian fiction out there, but there seems to be very little that cuts deep down past the usual themes and into the gospel.


We read of love and hope and joy, and forgiveness, and kindness and peace. All of that is good, but none of that is unique to the Christian faith. What makes Christian Fiction different is the Gospel, that a righteous God that cannot be appeased by sinful man has surrendered himself in the form of an only begotten son, Jesus, and paid in full the penalty of sin – not because of anything we did but because, as John 3:16 perfectly puts it, he so loved the world.


As far as fiction goes, good, positive and helpful books are great, but for Christian Fiction, the Gospel is the point.


The mission of Fiction Candle is to help readers find great gospel-centered, Christian Fiction works.

I hope to see you on the blog page. And as always, remember Christ, the author of salvation and the editor of our hearts.

Thank you,
R.A. Graves

Author, Creator of Fiction Candle

Fiction Candle

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