Christian Fiction Novellas ~ Deep enough to address the human condition.

One amazing promise. Two wayward sons, each growing desperate to take hold of it. When they do, forgiveness and justice clash.
While his older brother is hard at work in the fields, Barhat lounges and dreams of adventure. He longs for the city life, blind corners to rush around and finding more blind corners once he rounds them. But his dreams are only realized on the flat parchment of his scrolls until his father grants him an early inheritance.
Equipped with an uncountable amount of money, and a last-minute, whispered word from one of his father's servants, Barhat sets out for a far off city. He succeeds – for a while – in his adventurous living until a crooked friend and a sinful lifestyle strips him of everything he has been given.
One thing remains – the hope of an amazing and unbelievable promise offering both faithful and just forgiveness. But after all that he has done, how can forgiveness be faithful, or just?
At home, older brother, Ramah, is infuriated by his little brother's actions and furthermore by the ridiculous promise that would allow him to return. He himself has always worked hard in the fields and has never dishonored his father's name.
Where then is faithfulness?
To make matters worse he sees the poise at which his father, and all of his father's servants are ready to receive the wayward Barhat home again.
Where then is justice?
This gospel-focused, christian fiction novella is a prodigal son story implementing the Bible promise of
1 John 1:9. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. It's a bizarre promise that only the gospel can bring to fruition.