Christian Fiction Novellas ~ Deep enough to address the human condition.
There is a lot of Christian Fiction out there that is not worth the reader's precious time. That is why when I come across a great one I like to share it. Here is an exclusive list of the best that I have read. What makes it shareable?
•It's written well
•The christian aspect is: #1 correct #2 not buried, hidden, or a simple overlay #3 meaningful to plot and theme.
•It's a entertaining read.
If you haven't read them already, I recommend these great works of Christian Fiction.

Read my Review
Find the Book:
The sorrow of this story is buoyed only be the faith of the characters. Even though the circumstances are dire, hope abounds; maybe the government will not rule harshly concerning Stephen; maybe Stephen can be healed; maybe the family can flee the country. Even if hope is pushed all the way to its bounds, at least there is always an assurance of heaven.

Find the Book:
Even if you have seen the movie, you'll still want to read the book and vice-versa. Obviously the gospel message here is the amazing reality of the resurrection. The amazement is summed up with the main character's quote,
“I have seen two things I cannot reconcile, a man dead without question and the same man alive again...”

Find the Book:
This book is a pleasant find and a great read. It feels older than it's 1979 publishing date and is it only one of two books I can find by the author; of those, it is the only work of fiction.
The gospel story here is about how the only righteous man who ever lived took the place of condemnation for the guilty.