you might have a favorite author. Reading his or her books are easy. You fly through them. Have you ever considered the struggles and joys that go into writing them?
Here are a few thoughts about writing Christian Fiction that few readers think of.

1. Imitators of the Creation: Have you even considered the fact that authors are creating an entire world out of thin air and populating it with people? Well, being an author is a far cry from being a miracle maker, let alone, the creator of Genesis. But the reflection is there. I believe that one of man-kinds endowments is our creative imagination; just one of the many ways in which we are made in His image. For the christian author, writing is a humbling gift that they get to exercise daily.
2. Marketing is a Struggle: For any author, Christian or not, selling the book is imperative. But for the christian author the effort can feel more than awkward. Marketing and self promotion can often feel self-centered. Sinful even. The ongoing struggle to balance self-promotion and the mission of being a christian author is real. Even while trying to point to God, one must be sure the name on the cover is clear!
3. Accountability: Authors of Christian Fiction have no delusion that their work is on par with that of preachers or pastors or Sunday School teachers. But they are aware, OR AUGHT TO BE, that they are generating for themselves, accountability. If you read my blog regularly you know my frustration over how thin and diluted the genre can be. I mean, have you ever read a murder mystery that kind of touches on a few themes related to crime? Rant over. The truth is, there are still a lot of authors, if you can find them, that take the task to heart and produce responsible Christian Fiction.
4. Like Doing a Mega Devotion: Every lesson a character learns, the author must learn first. Granted, Imagination and or research fills in humongous gaps, But at it's base, there is just no way to get around the fact that an author must think their way through every single thing their characters experience. To the extent at which Christianity/The Gospel is thematic in a book, the author is constantly meditating on these things. I've always been delighted when my actual devotions have come into play for my characters .