October's Writing Progress
October was a month of editing, plus a hiatus while I moved my family in to a new home. I'm glad to report all went smooth, both editing & moving. Moving is big news, but I promised to tell you the title of the book in this month's update, didn't I? So here it is with out any fanfare.

Title: God Made the Genegantslet [jenny-gans-let]
The Genegantslet is a small creek. Its location is fictional, but its name is not. I took it from a creek where I grew up. It ran past my grandfather's saw mill so I had the occasion to play in it a time or two when I was young. For this story I simply pulled it up like a string and draped it down the northern slope of the Central Ridge in Shunderland.
Now it runs through the town where William lived with his family, and right pass their cabin where they took occasional weekend getaways. It is well known as a shy babbling brook, but in 1995 after the heaviest winter on record and a sudden Easter weekend melt, the usually tame creek became a raging force.
If it was ever true, and it is, then it is true during the flood; God made the Genegantslet.
William's wife is always saying things like that, "God made that... fox, sunset, snow fall," etc. as a way of reminding William that there is more to the beauty of the world than just its mere existence. There is a creator who created it all!
William never says anything like that, but he will, because on Easter weekend 1995 the Genegantslet rises against him just as he is settling in to a weekend retreat at the cabin with his wife, two kids and his mother in law. That little creek that rose up and flooded his life is no different than anything else that God Made.
A good title means something and this one means that God is Sovereign. Always. If God Made the Genegantslet, then He controls it too. That is indeed a hard pill to swallow. But remember Job who was a righteous man, and still God allowed tragedy to come up on him for his own purposes.
This is a story about man's position concerning God. God is to be honored and glorified in all circumstances. One of the big questions that loom in this story is how William will respond to the tragedy he finds himself submerged in.
I hope you will stay tuned to find out in just a few more months!

My Goal for November
I fully intended to finalize the writing in November! But that does not mean the book is finished. There is still a lot of supporting content to be made, blurbs, web pages, the book cover, and more.
Next month's report: Maybe I can share an excerpt, or show you my writing desk at the new house.