November's Writing Report
Editing God Made the Genegantslet has been going well, but I figured I'd do something different this month. Since we recently moved I thought I'd show you the "new" writing area. Pretty much the same as the old writing area, except look! I have a corner office now, with a window! :) Here's the micro tour:

I like to keep it simple and cleared off.
Sometimes it grows cluttered and then I feel as though I can't write.
The "Brand New" writing area has just a few additions.
Along with the Window, the pictures are also new.

Here is an old family picture ca. 1984?
These seem to be very rare.
I'm in the stripped shirt on my father's lap. No more than 3 years old.

This is my Grandfather.
He came to pick us up every Sunday morning and take us to church.
After we moved he kept coming, even though we were miles out of the way.
He stopped coming in 1998.

I keep these on my desk. They are the three books I currently have available on Amazon.
Technically I have published 9 books, but most of them were by a very young author :)
I'll rewrite them some day and bring them back. but for now, let me recommend The Mackenzie Martyr. I get the most positive feed back on that one.

I remember being excited about this lamp. The first time I tried to adjust it, it broke and now it just sorta squats there.
It only had 1 bad review and I thought that was just one guy's problem, it wont happen to me.
Then it did. :(

Every desk needs an over-stuffed pen holder. Mine is an old coffee cup that I used so hard the handle broke off.
It was a Christmas present, I could not throw it out. So here it is with a new purpose in life.

I always thought I would have an extra room in my house to build a library/office, books floor to ceiling.
I had kids instead. So I have a tiny library.
My Idea is to have no more than 100 books (nice round number) It's harder than I thought to decide what's in and what's out.
I might still get that spare-room library some day. 2039ish :)

Thanks for checking out my simple writing set up.
Now I should get back to it. I have a self imposed deadline to miss.

My Plans for December
God Made the Genegantlset needs a book cover, both ebook and Paperback, and a well thought out back-of-the-book blurb. Then I can move on to formatting the document for publication.
Next month's report: I think we're due for a good old fashioned excerpt next month.