Back in June of 2018 I started a new project, the first of what I hope will be many more like it. I am calling it a Fiction Candle Re•Light.
Far Above Rubies is a public domain, short story by George McDonald, written in the late 1800s.
I am now pretty far into the process of making it a Fiction Candle Re•Light, A novella with modern language and enhanced and additional scenes.
By pretty far in, I mean that the the first rewrites have been completed, which is always the most arduous part of any project. It's the perfect time to rest, catch my breath, organize my thoughts, and of course, let you know of its existence.
The story is about an author who struggles between writing the type of books God would have him write and the type of books the world wants - and would pay for. More than that, it is about the woman who loves him and encourages him along the path of faithfulness in his calling. It is about the Proverbs 31:10 woman.
I guess stories featuring an author as a protagonist naturally interest me, but what really made me start this project was the Proverbs 31 theme. Only it was pretty well buried beneath long complicated sentences and paragraphs. That was probably good elementary level reading 100-plus years ago, but I struggled through it. As I did, I developed a desire to share it.
Until Far Above Rubies is available, try one of these great reads.
